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McDonalds sponsors Coffee with a Cop in Mesquite


The Progress

Mesquite Police officers showed up to socialize with the public during a Coffee with a Cop event held last week at a Mesquite McDonalds location. PHOTO BY BOBBIE GREEN/The Progress

The McDonalds restaurant on Falcon Ridge Parkway in Mesquite hosted a community event called “Coffee with a Cop” on Wednesday morning, May 15. The public was invited to come and join members of the Mesquite Police Department in enjoying a coffee or a soft drink and chat with the officers.

The local McDonalds operations manager, Wyatt Johnson was on hand to greet the police and the residents.
“The object of the coffee is to help promote and build relationships between officers and the public,” Johnson said. “Here they have an opportunity to chat about their community and its issues.”
Johnson added that he was happy with the turn out for the morning event.

Nine MPD officers were in attendance engaging with patrons. The regular Wednesday morning guys coffee group was there, as usual, enjoying the police visit.

The officers were there and ready to chat with the public. But not many residents took advantage of the opportunity.

Even so, Johnson said that the restaurant would be holding another similar event in the near future.
Mesquite city council candidate Steve Clutterham enjoyed chatting with police.

Local resident Mike Benhamwas also in attendance socializing with the officer. “These guys are Mesquite’s finest!” Benham said.

The two McDonalds locations in Mesquite, and the one location in Overton, are owned and managed by WBF Management. WBF has a string of other McDonalds locations in Las Vegas and in Arizona. They host coffee with a cop at each of their different locations as good will outreach to the community.

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