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DAR planning another Vets Center fundraiser


The Progress

The Virgin Valley Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and the Mesquite Poker Boys are planning their next big fundraiser for the Mesquite Veterans Center. The event will be held this fall on November 9 in the event tent at the Virgin River Hotel and Casino.

Last year’s fundraiser, a Sock Hop dance event, was held at the Mesquite Rec Center where DAR raised $22,000 for the Veterans Center. This year they are planning a Country Western Jamboree with a country buffet included.

The Mesquite Veterans Center located at 840 Hafen Lane is unique. It is not only a Veterans Center but also home to American Legion Post 7583, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 24, and Vietnam Veterans Chapter 992, all under the same roof. The money raised from these events benefits all of these organizations.

The Veteran Center is present in Mesquite due to the efforts of three local veterans: Al Litman, Ed Fizer and the late Jim Brown. These three spent a year planning and raising funds for it. Their first donation was a boat that they sold for $7,000. The next was a motor home that they sold or $35,000. Then they went shopping for a building.

Before he became the mayor or a city councilman, Litman made numerous appearances at city council meetings asking the city to donate land for a veteran center.

“Litman was a major player getting that land,” Ed Fizer said. “As a result of his perseverance, they got use of two acres of city-owned land.”

In addition, the group found a realtor in Las Vegas who was going out of business and selling his modular offices. They acquired the building for the veterans center.

Mesquite Veterans center opened its doors early in 2011. “Since that time, the center has helped many veterans file claims, provided group mental health help and fellowship for all local veterans,” Fizer said.

Now, 13 years later, there are a lot of updates that need to be made to the center. “We were on a budget to get open and the flooring in the center was the least expensive I could find at the time,” Fizer said. “Right now it is very well worn and needs a new floor.”

The monies raised last year were used to put on a new roof, pave the parking lot, paint the building and put a new sign on order.

“The DAR ladies and the Mesquite Poker Boys have helped us with building and maintenance,” said current Veterans Center President Steve Reynolds. “Now they are planning to help us again with this fundraising event. We hope everyone will be participating again and enjoy another outstanding event.”

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