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Warm Springs: a hidden gem of nature


The Progress

Warm, clear water seeps from a natural spring forming a shady pool in one location at the Warm Springs Natural Area.

One of the first things you notice about the Warm Springs Natural Area in Moapa is the thick stands of California fan palms. These are said to have been initially brought in to shade the ranch area and cattle that were once raised here. Now, they shade the largest pool in the area where the Moapa Dace swims in 90-degree clear water bubbling up naturally from the ground.

Having just recently completed a guided tour of Warm Springs Natural Area by Linda Shapiro of Southern Nevada Water Authority, I can’t wait for the season to open again after Labor Day so that I can revisit it when the trees change color.

I learned more about southern Nevada wildlife in the Moapa area in one guided tour than I knew in 12 previous years of living in the region. Our guide knew every plant species that we passed, whether it was a native or an invasive species and how each plant helped or hurt the preserve.

The natural area provides picnic tables near an amphitheater, restrooms, and a drinking fountain. The trails are scattered with benches and several viewing decks where visitors can stop see different fish species like the Moapa Dace or the Moapa White River springfish, endemic species found only in this region of Nevada and nowhere else in the world.

The thermal Refuge and Apcar streams move at a deceptively fast pace and at times they merge with the warmer Pederson stream that runs towards the outer side of the area.

In addition, the area is an oasis for 28 endangered or sensitive species. Including the southwestern willow flycatcher, yellow-billed cuckoo, and desert tortoise.

Linda has given small and large group tours explaining the colorful history of the area and surrounding properties.

There is also a large greenhouse on the property to help repopulate the native plants that have been damaged by wildfires of the past.

If you or your group from Boy Scouts to Lions Club members or anyone else, would like to attend a tour or volunteer to help conserve these precious resources and help preserve Warm Springs please contact Linda at Linds.shapiro@snwa.com.

The Warm Springs Natural Area is located at 4240 Warm Springs Road in Moapa. It is about a one-hour drive from downtown Las Vegas and a 35-minute drive from Mesquite.
Warm Springs is open from Labor Day to Memorial Day.

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