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June 30, 2024 8:52 pm
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City parks staff recognized as water savers

Officials from the Virgin Valley Water District award members of Mesquite’s park staff for being June’s Water Saving Hero.

The Virgin Valley Water District has recognized the City of Mesquite Parks Department as the June 2024 Water Saving Hero of the month.

The Hafen Park Splash Pad is back up and running after being closed for the 2023 season. Lots of local youngsters (and their parents) are very excited that things are repaired and back in business.
Turns out, the splash pad had some leaks and other technical issues which started in the late summer of 2022. City employees Lonnie Dalton, Wes Carter and their team, have been working hard to get it back up and running.

Some might wonder how a splash pad would ever be a water saver? While they do typically use a lot of water, this particular pad has some awesome technology that allows it to recycle most of the water used. So even being the largest splash pad in town, it actually uses less water than the smaller splash pads.

After city crews took care of the leaks and fine tuning the technical pieces, the Hafen Park splash pad is now using about 1/3 of the water it was previously using.
“This is a fantastic example of using water wisely while still enjoying it,” said VVWD Conservation Expert Natalie Anderson. “Thank you, City of Mesquite! You are Water Saving Heroes!”

If you know someone who is a Water Saving Hero, nominate them for the VVWD’s next monthly award, Anderson said.
“We want to recognize businesses, HOA’s or individuals who do something outstanding to save water!” she said. “It could be fixing a big leak really quickly, a turf conversion, or simply some great desert landscaping. If you save water, you’re a hero!”

To make nominations, contact Anderson at VVWD: 702-346-5731 or email nanderson@vvwdnv.com.

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