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What makes local artists happy?


The Progress

Award winners for the VVAA June exhibit included l to r Lance Barr, Amy Wells, Christine Picior, Elena Ahrens, Floyd Johnson, Margret Abramshe and Bryan Alexander; all pictured here with Christi Neff (far right) representing exhibit sponsor Reliance Connects. PHOTO BY BOBBIE GREEN/The Progress

The theme for the Virgin Valley Artist Awards Competition for the month of June was “What Makes Me Happy.” And it was evident that there are a variety of things that make local artists happy.

Animals received the most attention. Dogs seemed to be a favorite subject and there was even a depiction of a funny llama. Horses were the next to promote happiness. Stepping out of the realm of animals, there was also plenty of peaceful scenery featured. And, of course, you can’t forget a good game of poker.

There were 39 entries in all for the monthly contest. The June sponsor, Reliance Connects, selected a beautiful mixed fused glass piece entitled “Nellie” as the sponsors choice. Nellie was dog depicted fetching a stick.

The Mayor’s Choice award went to Lance Barr for his colored pencil face of a dog entitled “Cute is Happy.”

Visitors to the gallery had the month to vote for People’s Choice Award. This month the vote went to a photograph called “Watching the Day Begin in the Grand Teton” by Charyn McDonnell.

This idyllic piece also took 1st place in the Photography category. McDonnell also took 2nd place with another photo called “Together Forever” depicting cowboys and their horses.
Randy Bauman took an honorable mention in the photography category.

The Best of Show award is chosen from award winners in all the categories. This month this distinction went to Kaylea’ W. Whitefeather for a stunning oil painting entitled “Through the eyes of wisdom.” It was a vivid portrait of a Native American maiden and an eagle.

Whitefeather also won 1st place in the Brushed Art category for another oil painting called “Elders of the Earth.”

Second Place in that category went to Floyd Johnson for his “Happiness is a Pocket of Aces” done in acrylic. His piece made Johnson extra happy because it was sold. Honorable mentions went to Lynn Craven for his “Happy Llama” and Bryan Alexander’s “Old Yellow” depicting an old barn.

In the Drawing and Sketch category, the 1st place award went to Whitefeather for “Through the Rift. Second place went to “Puppy Love” by Amy Wells. Lance Barr received Honorable Mention in the category.

In the Dimensional Art and Earths Elements category 1st place went to Margaret Abramshe for “Venus Texas” which showed horses painted on a quilted textile. The second place award went to Christine Picior for “Magical Autumn,” a uniquely crafted and painted gore. Honorable Mention in the category went to Margaret Abramshe and Diane Alexanian.

Abramshe told the Progress her award-winning quilted piece was inspired by her visit to Texas and also her love of horses. She said it takes her about one month to complete a piece of this kind.

The Nevada Arts Council show will be a special feature at the gallery on June 24 through August 16.
The Mesquite Fine Arts Center is open from Monday to Saturday 10am- 4pm. Admission is free. It is located at 15 West Mesquite Boulevard.

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