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I believe I can fly!


The Progress

BMX stuntman John Parker does a ‘no hands, no feet’ aerial stunt during the Stuntmasters Inc. show at the Moapa Park last week as part of the Moapa Library Branch Summer Reading Challenge series. PHOTO BY VERNON ROBISON/The Progress

Only about 20 people braved the scorching afternoon temperature and the blasting hot wind last weekend to check out the latest Library Summer Challenge performance at the Moapa Library branch. But what they got for their trouble was a great show!

On Saturday, June 29, the Stuntmasters Inc. show came to the Moapa Park. A team of two expert BMX stunt riders performed tricks for the kids and parents; and they imparted a little upbeat wisdom as well.

Stuntmaster Inc. director John Parker and his young risktaker Jonathan Bronson took turns with a long approach down the sidewalk of the park toward a large metal bicycle ramp. They entertained the crowd with back flips, no hands, no feet and even none of either.

John Parker asks young volunteers to choose which stunt they wanted to see Jonathon Bronson perform on the BMX ramp during a Stuntmasters Inc. show at the Moapa Park last week. PHOTO BY VERNON ROBISON/The Progress

One of the favorite stunts was called ‘The No Footed Can-Can’ where the rider makes a huge jump with both of his feet extended far off to the side of the bicycle while in the air.

In between the stunts, Parker interacted with the kids about a number of important virtues and values that the BMX sport had taught him throughout life.
He highlighted teamwork in working together with Bronson putting on the show.

As he sat in a chair atop the ramp and allowed Bronson to jump a bicycle high over him, he talked about trust. He explained that he trusted Bronson to perform the maneuver without injuring him. “Trust is when you do what you say that you are going to do,” Parker said. “But you do it that way every time. That is how you build trust.”

Jonathan Bronson catches air during a BMX stunt show put on at the Moapa Park last week by Stuntmasters Inc. PHOTO BY VERNON ROBISON/The Progress

Parker was quick to emphasize to the youngsters that the tricks they were seeing were the result of hours of practice over many years. This also was a component of trust. They should not be attempted by kids at home, he added.

Other important values discussed included respect for others, fairness, learning from mistakes and taking responsibility for one’s own actions, .
“The more responsibility you take on in your life, the more opportunities will come to you,” Parker told the kids.

Parker has competed, performed and organized BMX events all over the world for 25 years now. He is an author, speaker and 10-time X-Games athlete. In Stuntmasters Inc., he works with some of the best action sports athletes and entertainers in the world.

Bronson is one of those athletes. He grew up in Las Vegas and attended several Vegas high schools, finally graduating from Odyseey Charter School.
“I have competed in the sport all over the world and throughout the U.S.,” Bronson said. “But lately I have decided to focus on the future. That future is the kids. So it is great to be out here and trying to have an influence on them for good.”

Moapa Library branch associate Nivia Balsera said that she was excited about the Stuntmasters visit, despite the sparse attendance.
“It was hot!” she said. “So I have to thank those who braved the heat to come and check out this great show. I think it was worth it.”

The Moapa Library will be hosting NASA Ambassador Francisco Silva on Saturday, July 13 at 2 pm. Silva will take attendees on an exploration of celestral items through telescopes suitable for daylight viewing.

For more information call the Moapa Library at 702-864-2438 or visit https://thelibrarydistrict.org/locations/mt/.

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