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LETTER: Trump’s lies lost the debate

If anyone watched the big debate last week, there can be no argument about the result. Trump lost the debate, he is unfit to ever be president again, and he needs to step down as the GOP candidate. He lied over 30 times, he failed to answer any questions, and he exhibited his racism and bigotry against people from other countries.

Some of his lies were enormous. There are zero states that allow an abortion three days after birth. That is total nonsense. He lied about states allowing late term abortions for no reasons. No one has ever had an abortion in the ninth month unless the fetus was dead, or the mother’s life was in the balance.

His biggest lies involve his hatred of the military and anyone who served. While I and thousands of people served during the Vietnam War, he committed five felonies by lying to the draft board five times about his bone spurs. He paid a doctor to submit false documentation. He partied while the rest of us suckers served. His statement about John McCain was horrific. He promised to disown Junior if he ever joined the military. How can any veteran support such a despicable person?

Richard Nixon, for all his faults, did the right thing in 1974 when he resigned the presidency rather than be impeached or charged. He put the country above his own self interests.
Donald Trump needs to do the same thing.

David Petrillo

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