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No One Asked Me But… (April 29, 2015)

This column was first published in the January 30, 2013 edition of the PROGRESS


No one asked me but… I have been calling for a new political party but the one that is quickly evolving is not what I had in mind. Rather than a new party the old Republican Party is morphing into the Republicrat Party.

A group of politicians sent to Washington as Republicans are morphing into something new. They have watched the people turn away from their hard line demand for strong immigration laws and fiscal responsibility. The Republicrats have surrendered to the Democrats on the increasing debt limit. The Republicrat controlled Congress has given in as they did on the tax increase without budget cuts.

There is nary a man left in Congress that would openly oppose a more liberal approach to the handling of the illegal immigration problem. By becoming a Republicrat they hope to get some of the Hispanic vote that was so favorable to the Democrats and almost totally ignored the Republicans.

The roots of the Republicrat Party can be traced to forty years ago with the Republican acceptance of Roe v. Wade. Prior to that Supreme Court decision, there were candidates who called themselves Republicans who openly opposed the abortion of America’s unborn children. It became politically costly to use the word anti-abortion so the Republicrats adopted the term pro-life. What does that mean? Who isn’t pro-life? Along with the acceptance of the term, they have turned their backs on the 300,000 fetuses dumped in the garbage cans of America each year.

The scary thing is these very same Republicrats are the ones who are vowing to protect the Second Amendment rights of the American citizen. Republicans who were ardent defenders of the Second Amendment are now becoming Republicrats as they have joined their liberal brothers in calling for restriction of semi-automatic rifle ownership. If you hold hope that the liberal left wing faction under the leadership of the President will be held in check by these Republicrats, I have a job for you herding unicorns in the land of the sugar plum fairy.

The hot bed of Republicrats can be found right in the State of Nevada. The Republicrats made it possible to re-elect Senator Harry Reid. By all counts, Harry was a dead man walking until the 200 top Republicans became Republicrats and came out in support of Harry. One of the most noticeable Republicrat is our very own Governor.

The small number of real Republicans left in Washington must feel like the small force led by King Leonidas I of Sparta blocking the only road by which the invading massive Persian army could enter Greece. After the second day of battle, a local resident betrayed the Spartans by revealing a small path that led behind the lines. Leonidas, aware that his force was being outflanked, remained to guard the rear with 300 Spartans. One might remember that the 300 were completely annihilated.

The Republicrats are well aware of that and understand their survival is dependent on selling out their principles. The few true Republicans must have come to understand a faction of their party, the Republicrats, has shown the Democrats the path to the rear of the party. As Warren G. Hardy said during the scandals of his administration, “I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies in a fight. But my damn friends, they’re the ones who keep me walking the floor nights.”

No one asked me but… If you really want to understand the slippery slope of gun control, you must look to the nation of New Zealand. The first gun control law was passed in 1845. However, guns were not a major political issue until the 1990 Aramoana Massacre, and the 1996 Australian Port Arthur and Scottish Dunblane Massacres. After these particularly gruesome events several different government officials, groups, and the police of New Zealand lobbied for the universal registration of firearms. Gun control is no longer an issue in New Zealand as gun laws have evolved to a point where legal gun ownership has nearly disappeared. However, the slippery slope has not ended with a ban on gun ownership.

Gareth Morgan, a citizen of New Zealand, is now demanding a ban on cats. Mr. Morgan has a dream that one day New Zealand will be free of cats, and the birds of the island country will again be safe to fly wherever they like. Morgan contends cats are endangering the lives of innocent birds and something must be done. He envisions a day when he will no longer have to view feathers in his yard, deposited by an enraged cat. He is not a fanatic; he does not suggest euthanasia. He favors a long-range plan of spay and neutering. Surely, there must be some moderate restrictions even the most ardent cat defender will find acceptable. He says the law should require the cat owner to keep the cat in the house and never have it on one’s person. He further demands mandatory registration of cats.

Push back from the cat owners has been immediate and radical. Bob Kerridge, the President of the Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the NRA of New Zealand cat owners stated, “…we will not be deprived of the beautiful companionship that a cat can provide individually and as a family.”

I can see the slogans and bumper stickers of the NASPCA now: Cats don’t kill birds, cat owners kill birds; If you take cats from law abiding citizens, only the criminals will have cats; You can have my cat when you take it from my cold dead hand; If registration of cats is allowed, confiscation will soon follow. Maybe if the gun laws weren’t so strict in New Zealand, the cat problem wouldn’t exist.

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