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Santa Visits Kuppa Joe


The Progress

Local youngster Ryan Rebic visits with Santa Claus during a special guest appearance of the Jolly Ol’ Elf to Kuppa Joe in downtown Overton last week. PHOTO BY ADRIANA FREEMAN.

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas visited Kuppa Joe on Saturday, Dec. 3, as youngsters and their parents filed in the coffee shop to sit with Santa and get a photo op.

The big man himself, greeted families with a hearty “Ho, Ho, Ho!” as he invited children to take a photo while the eager kids told him what they wanted for Christmas.

Priscilla and Bernie Conrique, owners of Kuppa Joe, said they wanted to host a place where families could get photos of children with Santa to add to their holiday greeting cards.
“We want to provide opportunities to the community wherever we can, with what we have,” said Bernie at the event.
“This event was also planned so people could donate to ‘Shop With A Cop’ and to mail letters to Santa,” Priscilla added.

Eight-year-old Ryan Rebic was the first one through the door. He secretly whispered his Christmas wish list to Santa, then received a candy cane.
When asked what his favorite part of Christmas is, Ryan replied, “Presents… and Santa! And my favorite reindeer is Rudolph.”

Vincent and Ellie Farnsworth wore matching sweaters to visit the Jolly Old Man. Vincent was all smiles.
“I always leave milk and cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve, and carrots for the reindeer,” he said.
“My favorite part of Christmas is when family comes to visit!” Ellie said

Santa was asked what his favorite treat is that people leave for him.
“Kuppa Joe coffee!” he responded. “It helps me stay awake so I can deliver all those presents on Christmas Eve.”

If you missed this event don’t fret. Santa will be at Kuppa Joe again on Dec. 10, 11, 17, and 18 from 2-4 pm each day.

There is still time to donate for the Shop With A Cop before Dec. 14, and don’t forget about Santa’s mailbox too!

Kuppa Joe is located at 463 N. Moapa Valley Blvd. right next to La Fonda restaurant.

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