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No One Asked Me But… (May 17, 2023)


No one asked me but… Here are some random thoughts for your consideration. I am not sure as to the validity of any of these observations and that is why I indicate they are random thoughts. Those of you who are brighter than I may well have answers to these, I merely have thoughts about them.

Random thought #1: We are being told that the country’s economic situation is healthy. If that is the case, someone needs to explain how the $31 trillion-, soon to be $32 trillion-dollar debt is healthy!

How can it possibly be to the country’s advantage to extend that debt so we can continue to function as a country? One must wonder if there is no ceiling to the debt. The old saying seems to apply here, that when one finds themselves in a hole it is probably time to stop digging.

The President tells the American people that inflation is under control. One must ask when was the last time he went shopping for himself or filled up his gas tank? We rejoice when gas prices drop a few cents and forget that they have increased by dollars. Food prices have sky rocketed. What used to be a $100-dollar Wal-Mart run is now closer to a $150 dollar run.

Economists warn of a coming recession. A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose your job. Let me suggest that what appears to be coming is a full-blown depression. Historically America has experienced cycles of economic depression and times of great prosperity.

At the height of the Great Depression of the 1930’s, there were approximately 130,000 homeless Americans, about 2 percent of the population of the United States. Today there are almost 335,000 homeless, about 1.8 percent of the population. Let me suggest to you that the United States is quickly moving into a full-blown economic depression that may well outdo the Great Depression of the 1930’s. I am not quite sure why any economic depression is considered “great.”

The President also tells us that the border is under control and the thousands of immigrants entering the United States is his predecessor’s fault. If the border is under control who are all these people crossing our border across the Rio Grande?

If the border and economy are truly under control, shouldn’t the President be taking credit for these two facts rather than blaming the previous administration?

Random Thought #2: It is time to turn off your televisions. What once was the centerpiece of entertainment for the family has become a propaganda tool for those in power.

We apparently are approaching the place predicted by George Orwell in his book 1984. We are just a few years late. The open disregard for the truth on the part of the government and those who control the media determines how reality is perceived. Those who control information can present what they want to as facts even if what they present is completely false. This is an indictment of both CNN and Fox News.

We are presently seeing an administration trying to rewrite history in the grand order of Orwell’s News Speak. i.e. the origin of inflation, national debt explosion, as well as the cause of the border crisis.
I am sorry, Mr. President, these are on you and your cohorts alone.

In Orwell’s book the phrase “Big Brother is watching you” is a reference to the technology used to monitor what the people are doing at all times. “Big brother” represents governmental monitoring through technology.

Do you carry your cell phone with you at all times? If so, your daily movements are available to the government at their will.

I have a bad habit of actually watching crime shows at night when I am pretty much brain dead from the activities of the day. I am amazed at the ability of law enforcement to trace the movements of people through the many cameras established throughout the various American cities. The average American’s actions are involuntarily video-taped an average of 18 times a day. Each time you go to the store, buy gas, go into your school, etc., you are the star of the show.

Orwell’s book depicts poverty and homelessness as the friend of an overbearing government. The more people are dependent on the government for their existence, the more power the government has over them.

If they were to go to work and get out of poverty, they might start to think for themselves and even develop some power of their own. That just cannot be allowed if the government is to control the people.

In 1949, when 1984 was written, Orwell focused on the future.However, there are many important lessons to be learned from this work. Don’t take my word for it, read the book and consider if it applies to today, or am I merely a conspiracy theorist.?

Short Random Thoughts (Some are original some are not): No one pays you for you potential only your production counts.

Don’t fall into inactivity by the prophecy of those who are nothing more than the reflection of their failures.

Life is not a rehearsal.

Why do we believe that a government that cannot control gas prices can control the climate?
Does it make sense for the government to tell the American people to cut down on their use of electricity while paying people to buy electric cars?

If your electric car runs out of power, do you go to the closest recharging station to get a bucket of electricity?

Why do the people in Las Vegas have to give up their grass lawns so Californians can cause Lake Mead to dwindle by running more water through the dam to produce power so Californians can power their electric cars?

Schindler’s List is a book on my shelf about a society where only the police and the government had firearms.

Can we legitimately describe America by saying, “Andy left Barney in charge of the sheriff’s office?”

Or is our present government best described as an organization where the clowns are running the circus?

The thought of the week…The trouble with political jokes is that very often they get elected.
– Will Rogers

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1 thought on “No One Asked Me But… (May 17, 2023)”

  1. David Petrillo

    Wow! Where does one start? Better be careful telling all your lies or you will have to pay $786 million. Lowest unemployment since 1969. We have homeless people since we waste billions on a military that we will never use again while we cut veterans benefits. Your party supports a convicted serial sex offender. Good job. Your party supports Russia. Reagan would be appalled. I assume you back banning books. Start with the Book of Morman. I threw up when the beheadings started. How do you sleep at night supporting a despicable fascist?

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